Erev Rosh Hashona with Sutzkever Poetry Translated and Read by Richard Fein and Sholem Beinfeld

Erev Rosh Hashona with Sutzkever Poetry Translated and Read by Richard Fein and Sholem Beinfeld

ערבֿ ראש השנה מיט סוצקעווערס פּאָעזיע איבערגעזעצט און פֿאָרגעלייענט פֿון ראובֿן-יעקבֿ פֿײַן און שלום ביינפֿעלד

Show notes

This week, greetings for Rosh Hashona from friends, participants, and sponsors of The Yiddish Voice / דאָס ייִדישע קול, combined with a poetry reading by Richard Fein and Sholem Beinfeld.

אַ גוט, געבענטשט יאָר אַלע אונדזערע צוהערער - לשנה טובֿה


  • Author and translator Richard J. Fein (Yiddish name: Ruvn-Yankev), along with his friend, collaborator, and regular Yiddish Voice cohost Sholem Beinfeld, read from Fein's book The Full Pomegranate: Poems of Avrom Sutzkever (SUNY Press, 2019), which features Sutzkever's poems in their original Yiddish along with Fein's English translations. Avrom Sutzkever (1913–2010) is widely regarded as one of the greatest Yiddish poets of the 20th century. Richard J. Fein is Professor Emeritus of English at the State University of New York at New Paltz and the author, editor, and translator of many books, including With Everything We’ve Got: A Personal Anthology of Yiddish Poetry. Sholem Beinfeld is Professor Emeritus of History at Washington University in St. Louis, and is perhaps best known as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary (Arumnemik Yidish-English Verterbukh), as well as a translator of Yiddish texts and creator of new subtitles for classic Yiddish movies. For further information on Fein's book The Full Pomegranate, see the publisher's web site: We recorded this at Fein's home in Cambridge, MA, on Sept. 20, 2024.
  • Greetings on behalf of the American Association of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Descendants of Greater Boston, featuring members Tania Lefman (Treasurer), Mary Ehrlich, Rosalie Reszelbach and Miriam Modricamin.
  • Greetings from Eli Dovek ז״ל, late proprietor of our sponsor Israel Bookshop, Brookline, MA.
  • Greeting from Sholem Beinfeld, co-host. Recorded Sept. 18, 2024, by phone.
  • Greeting from Lillian (Leye) Leavitt, co-host. Recorded Sept. 25, 2024, by phone.
  • Greetings on behalf of the League for Yiddish / די ייִדיש-ליגע by Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath, Board Chair. Recorded Sept. 18, 2024.
  • Greetings on behalf of the Hebrew Actors Foundation and CYCO Yiddish Book Center by Hy Wolfe. Recorded via Zoom Sept. 18, 2024.


  • Cantor Joseph Shapiro: B'Rosh Hashona
  • Malavsky Family: Kevah Kures
  • Sholom Katz: Zochreinu L'Chayim
  • Intro instrumental music: DEM HELFANDS TANTS, an instrumental track from the CD Jeff Warschauer: The Singing Waltz

Air date: September 25, 2024



Richard Fein

Richard Fein

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Sholem Beinfeld

Sholem Beinfeld

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