Nusekh Yidish-Vokh: Verterbukh-Shpil (Dictionary Game), Perl Teitelbaum Sings

Nusekh Yidish-Vokh: Verterbukh-Shpil (Dictionary Game), Perl Teitelbaum Sings

Show notes

We invented a new Yiddish game show for our radio show called Verterbukh-Shpil, a variant of Fictionary (, and we recorded it being played in front of a live audience at the annual Yiddish Week (Yidish-Vokh) in Copake, NY, in recognition of the recent publication of Yiddish dictionaries, several of whose creators were on hand, taking advantage of the presence of the lively Yiddish-speaking audience present at Yugntruf ()'s annual "Yiddish Week".

Naturally, hilarity ensued ... in Yiddish!

Listen to tonight's show, and you'll laugh a little while testing and improving your own knowledge of Yiddish. We recommend you have a pencil handy so you can write down the words, and try playing yourself!

Air Date: August 31, 2016

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